Key Features:
Its wide range of filters allows novice
users to familiarize themselves with the
world of graphics. You can find the standard
adjustment functions (Brightness, contrast,
dyed, saturation, gamma correction) and also
artistic filters (watercolor, pastels,
Indian ink, pointillism, puzzle effect).
There are more than 100 filters to be
discovered !
Vectorial selections
PhotoFiltre uses two types of vectorial
selections. The first type uses automatic
shapes (rectangle, ellipse, triangle,
rhombus, rounded rectangle). The second type
corresponds to the lasso and polygon. They
both allow a customized form by drawing a
shape by hand or using a series of lines.
Every selection can be saved into a seperate
file, to be used later on.
PhotoMasque module
With PhotoMasque you can create advanced
effects of contour and transparency on your
images by using preset masks. These masks
are grayscale images, where white is the
transparancy color, while opacity increases
as the shades of gray become darker. Black
means complete opacity. PhotoMasque comes
with several basic masks to inspire you to
create your own masks.
Automatisation module
This module allows you to apply basic
functions/corrections (conversion, image
size, framing) to a group of images.
Other functions
Image browser
Plug-in management
Scanning of images using a TWAIN compatible
device (scanner, webcam, photocamera)
Transparency management for GIF images and
exporting them to icons (16, 256 or 16
millions of colors)
Advanced text effects (rotation, shading,
Serveral types of contours and textures
Blending and assembling of images