For Programmers
If you have the Platform SDK installed and you do have to frequently use
it, you can create a virtual drive mounted to the Samples directory.
Therefore you will reduce a long path like 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Platform SDK\Samples\Multimedia\DirectShow' to just one letter.
In my opinion, it is the shortest way to have access to the sample
source code from the SDK when you over and over again need it.
How It Works
Generally, a virtual drive is just a symbolic link in the Local MS-DOS
Device namespace. It is one more of Windows features being added for
backward compatibility with old programs.
So virtual drives are objects of the operating system, and Visual Subst
just can create, enumerate and delete these objects. All local MS-DOS
device names are removed when the user is logging off. To handle this
issue, Visual Subst saves the list of virtual drives into an INI-file
and can load them the next time. |