Syn is an
Open Source Text and Programming Editor with
Syntaxhighlight for many Languages, and some IDE
Features, like starting a program (e.g. Compiler) and
capture the output, support for Projects etc. Syn is
written in
Delphi (Version 5, Updatepack 1) for maximum
performance, stability and filesize ;-), hence it
doesn't require any bulky VC++/VB Runtime or MFC
Syn supports Active Scripting, this means you can
extend the functionallity with writing a Script. If you
have written such a Script, or an other file (Autocomplete
file or whatever), and you think it could be useful for
others, just send them to me or to the Users Mailinglist
(syn-users[at]lists[dot]sourceforge[dot]net), and we
will add them. Of course, we will give you proper
credits. Many thanks to all of you!